Join us for the annual Blue Ridge Woodturners Club Picnic and auction. This year’s picnic will be held on Saturday, August 12 at Salem’s Longwood Park, from 10 AM - 4 PM at Shelter #4 at the top of the hill, like previous years.
Our "annual" picnic is August 12th at Longwood Park on East Main Street in Salem, shelter #4 (the same shelter, on top of the hill, as last year). For those of you attending for the first time there is a parking lot next to that shelter off of Monroe Street on the back side of the park.
We will begin eating at 12 noon (set up beginning at 11:00) and afterwards "auction off" a wonderful array of turnings, supplies and surprises - provided by you, the Members & whomever else would like to donate something.
The Club will furnish BBQ, rolls, ice, water and iced tea & provide cups, plates and eating utensils. Please bring a side dish or dessert (and the needed serving pieces) for our buffet layout.
Please contact me - either way - so I know how many Members and your guests to plan for by Sunday August 6th. Email or call 540-521-1435 to RSVP. We hope to have a good turnout for this event - we hope to see YOU (& your guests) there!