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About Blue Ridge Woodturners
Blue Ridge Woodturners is a chapter of the American Association of Woodturners serving the Greater Roanoke and New River Valley regions of Southwestern Virginia. We are a group of people with the common interest in (or addiction to) turning wood on the lathe.
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We think you’ll appreciate everything we have to offer.

Blue Ridge Woodturners membership gets you access to monthly meetings and demonstrations, hands-on workshops, educational resources in our DVD lending library, veteran woodturning mentors, and more! For more information and a membership application, see our Membership page.
Demonstrators range from local woodturners to renowned masters of the craft from across the nation. Demonstrators present their techniques in person on club equipment, or by remote video presentations that are easily viewable on large flat screen televisions.
Blue Ridge Woodturner members host a variety of workshops throughout the year. These classes are generally open to 10 or fewer participants, which gives each person time with the instructor to receive hands-on education in both beginner and advanced techniques.
Mentors and More…
Blue Ridge Woodturners are committed to helping you “learn to turn!” Our members have years of experience turning all kinds of projects, from the smallest finials and spindles, to large platters and bowls.